B~Love's RelationTIP Stay Out of the Doghouse
In honor of national get out of the doghouse day, this tip is to prevent any guys from finding themselves stuck in the doghouse. Let's not focus on getting out of the doghouse, but avoiding it all together. How you do so is by establishing some goodwill with your significant other, especially if you know you tend to be a consistent line stepper. Don't wait until the last minute to buy those dozen roses. Go out for a romantic dinner, or cook a meal while she enjoys some me time watching ratchet TV. If you make these gestures up front, you would have created a foundation, almost like a get out of jail free card.
I'm not saying do these things because you plan on messing up because the gestures listed above are activities you should be currently doing. However, it is always good to have insurance in the event you have one foot in the doghouse. When your significant other starts to think of the foul thing you've done to find you almost in the doghouse, hopefully, the steps you've taken up until that point are good enough to get you a pass. I know how a lot of us think, so let me say this now, being in the doghouse is not all about cheating. India tries to put me in the doghouse all of the time over not consulting with her before I hit the streets with the homies, but then she thinks about all the LOVE I provide her, and VOILA, no doghouse for me! Let me know what you all think.